Ending Two months doing CaddiePlayer China « 加油 »

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I just ended my two months China Land journey and can say without a doubt that today China Golf is European Class. Actually, the last two European Tour event hosted in China have been won by Chinese. On the men side, Wu AhShun conquer with drama the Volvo China Open part of the European Tour and on the lady side, ShanShan Feng won with comfort the LET Buick Championship part of the LadiesEuropean Tour and all this within just a two weeks stretch in Shanghai. I was lucky enough to be able to Share both of those Historical Moments as I was there on the putting Green with Wu Ah Shun when he find out about his win and I monitor CaddiePlayer ShanShan on her winning round in Buick.

Chengdu, Chongqing, Haikou, Sanya, Haikou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Shanghai: Yes, you read correctly 9 City/Stops in 8 weeks… this is a lot of Taxis, Hotels, Subways, Buses Trains, Planes and more walks/talks to find my way in a country where English speaking is often not the way to get around… Thanks to all my Chinese friends who have helped me, without them I would not have come close to be where I am today.

Haikou, Mission Hills World cup (LadiesEuropeanTour), Haikou, Mission Hills Buick Championship (ChinaPGATour), Shenzhen, International (EuropeanTour), Shanghai, Volvo China Open (EuropeanTour), Shanghai, Buick Championship (LadiesEuropeanTour): Five tours stops where I continued to promote/research/monitor/confront/suggest/ that CaddiePlayer Solution together with the PuttZones System are the ultimate Performance Tool available today.

In that regards, and in order to make it even faster and better, I have also used my China time to update the “CaddiePlayer Softwear”. Soon those update will be finalize and I shall communicate more details. To improve its understanding, I have also launch a new link/communication name as www.everyzonecounts.com in reference to www.everyshotcounts.com from Mark Broadie Stats Guru.

During my “no Chomage” China weeks I Caddie for 2 tour players, CaddiePlayer 10 tours players and commit an CaddiePlayer agreement with 2 new Players.

I shall be back to China sometimes in October until this time many more CaddiePlayer success stories news shall be posted.

Best regards, #IwasCaddiePlayerInChina2Months, Stéphane Barras

Note: From May to October any CaddiePlayer Members will get complimentary rounds of golf in Golf Club Chailly in Burgundy France first CaddiePlayer Center > www.chailly.com   

                                                                                                                        In Front of the Art China Building Masters Piece (Shanghai)

IMG 6150

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