Top 5 In Qatar Masters for CaddiePlayer Danny Sharp
Congratulations to CaddiePlayer Danny Sharp with a top 5 in Qatar Masters!
I met Danny Sharp back in the mid 80's in Royal Oak Country Club Titusville Florida. In that time winter home of the Canadian PGA so called Royal Oak was the perfect place to practice. A great course, a great atmosphere and just great time. About 100 Canadian Professionals would spend their winter there practicing and every Wednesday we could participate in Pro-Pro event and on the weekend mini-tour.
Royal Oak was also talk about because it was as well the winter home of the Legendary Moe Norman that I was fortunate to be close too. Moe was not only a genius golfer (In the Hank Haney book the "Big Miss" you will find out that Hank was inspire by Moe to improve Tiger Woods grip) but also a genius man that would always challenge your thoughts. I believe to have gone to Titusville about 10 winters and also brought my fellow Swiss PGA apprentice there.
In the 90's with my touring pro hope gone and some other issue I stoped visiting Royal Oak, Danny and I lost contacts. Its only 20 years later during the 2012 Shanghai Master that I cross again Danny not as a Player but as a Caddie for Thomas Aiken.... I did not see Danny for 20 years but as soon I saw his face I knew he was familiar. It’s always nice to re-connect time with people you lost track with, as in one look flash back come instantly. What our brain can store!
Since, Danny and I have kept close contact. Danny is an extraordinary Caddie, one because he manages to caddie for 2 Top Players on 2 Tours (European Tour Thomas Aiken and LPGA Lorie Kane) but also manage to do it with such a peaceful pace. The past 2 years we have been exchanging a lot of informations not only online but also on China, Dubai and Switzerland ground. I am honored that such a great caddie got interest about CaddiePlayer, its findings and can lead others. More news about Danny
See you soon Pal Danny
Me and Danny at the Race to Dubai 2013