Happy New Decade with your Guru...

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From Crans Montana, home of CaddiePlayer

Ever heard about "Ram Dass" ? I did not before last december 22th when I found out on social media the passing of Harvard University psychologist (also once a golferRichard Alpert borned april 6, 1931. After googling "Ram Dass" I found countless video/information about his life inspiring thousands of westerner as a pioneer of spiritual exploration. In 1971 he published the book "Be Here Now" on spiritual, yoga and meditation.

As we are entering a new year as well a new decade, I am wishing you to be more in the "Be Here Now" and let your Guru guide you in the path of achieving your life goals.

Happy New Year, #CaddiePlayerGuru... > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8XXdBoOv_U

"When you know How to Listen, Everybody is the Guru"

Ram Dass quote  


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