Arccos Team Program or CaddiePlayer ScoreCard 8.0?

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As the competitive golf season is about to restart we have updated our Statistic Card and here you can download it now version 8.0 > CaddiePlayer Card download here (Once down load it, Print it and take it with you on the course to fill it. Once at home go online and enter your data into your account).

We are not an app neither an electronic device for this plenty are available out there on the net. After 30 years doing data analyzing we have not change our basic way of thinking, we have kept data "Simple" and "Relevant". All CaddiePlayer needs is seven data per hole (3 for the Swing, 1 for the Short Game, 3 for Putting) then we know it all about YOUR game and how where to start to improve. Why? because behind CaddiePlayer there is not only a server to store it all, behind CaddiePlayer there is a key element "Stephane Barras" 35 years of PGA membership, researcher, author, multiple awarded, instructing beginners, coaching professionnals from all over the World.

All you need to do with CaddiePlayer is to fill six rounds why six? Because after six rounds, all data will be flaten and crystal clear to see within for Stephane's to send you his thoughts...

...This is the effort you will need to produce. If not than we suggest you have a look at Arccos – the pioneer of big data and artificial intelligence for golf > It claims it will do everything for you and most importantly avoid Coaches frustration...  

“Having players write down or try to remember the club used and precise location for each shot, then manually enter the data post round, leads to major accuracy issues and stunts player adoption,” said Andrew Turner, Arccos’ Vice President of Sales. “Coaches at all levels have shared their frustrations with those aspects of other systems and their excitement about the Arccos Caddie Team Program. It dramatically simplifies the data capture process and provides each player with a personalized improvement roadmap through our proprietary Strokes Gained platform.”  >   


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