2024 with CaddiePlayer your guide to lower scores... Testimony from CP multiple winner Daniel.

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Testimony from CP multiple 2023 winner Daniel. 

"I started using CaddiePlayer at the begining of the 2023 season, and I am very satisfied with my development as a player. I have dropped my scoring average in 2023 compared to 2022 from 71.44 to 70.56 strokes per round, which at the professional level is a huge step forward.

There were three fundamental things that I found most valuable in CaddiePlayer:

First, the method of PuttZones helped me understand how important speed is to holing more putts and avoiding three-putts. Stéphane Barras showed me some speed drills when he accompanied me in tournaments that I have been replicating to instantly get the speed right when arriving at a new course.

Second, I have found important that after each bogey or worse, the platform tells you to write a comment about what went wrong on that hole. I feel that I have become a much smarter player because of the awareness this creates about past mistakes. This has improved my decision making on the course which is shown in the scoring average improvement.

Third, I find the platform easy to use and filling the statistics at the end of each round is not very time consuming. I had used other tools in the past that were too meticulous to complete and did not provide the insights that actually helped me understand how to score better. The SwingScore is a much more effective way to know where your ball-striking performance is. Paired up with the CaddiePlayer reports I received every couple of months, I was able to practice smarter on my weaknesses and also determine the strengths in my game."

What about your 2024 success? Get in touch!

until then Happy New Year from CaddiePlayer Team.  


CaddiePlayer Founder Stephane guiding Player Daniel to win the Swiss PGA TOUR 2023

Romaine, Daniel, Tommaso, Cailyn, André and counting 553 CaddiePlayers, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

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From Crans Montana home of the Omega European Masters, Switzerland

I have reach a personal milestone, turning 60 last week december 13th, leaving "Senior" entering "Elderly" so called, however CaddiePlayer is still young and strong. 

"I am so grateful for my life journey, beeing healthy, lucky and proud doing things "My Sustainable WAY". Of course one of my recipe CaddiePlayer!" 

2023 mark another milestone: 10 years of Caddies & Players  fantastic achievements and this would not have been possible without you entering round after round with one purpose in mind "Scoring the Best you Can" and in the process showing me that CaddiePlayer scientific research (2012-2016) are still up to date and running strong. 

By doing the CaddiePlayer protocol, Little by little you start to see the path, you start to understand the meaning of SwingScore and PuttZones and in the way reach your ultimate goal > A WIN 

"I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS & Happy New Year with more WIN to come"

Stéphane Barras your CaddiePlayer Guide 

#LessBogeys #MoreBirdies #Chase68 #SwingScore #PuttZones #IamCaddiePlayer #WeareCaddiePlayer


From up left: Daniel Gurtner, Tommaso Perrino, Cailyn Henderson, Romaine Masserey and André Bossert

 2023 CaddiePlayer Highlighter



RyderCup 2023 J-1, Luke Molinari versus Zach USA… Thanks to the 4Shots Rule statistics we see clearly who should win.

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CaddiePlayer Ryder Cup Pronostics by Stephane Barras,

Luke Donald was one of the first Player to look for the extra “Gained” Edge that would propels his career to world number 1 in May 2011 and held the spot for a total of 56 weeks. These days “Mark Broadie” and his Strokes Gained findings has become since a widely used statistic known by casual fans. 

As now every one has every data “Padraig Harrington”, the European Captain in 2021, told Golf Digest. “The USA Team does what we do. So, it’s going to be hard to find an edge going forward. I’m not sure there is one.”

Unless the vice-captain stats Genius Edoardo Molinari has the little clue edge. Rory quote “There’s a big level of trust that Molinari obviously knows what he is talking about and what he’s giving us is good information”

As I have the privilege to know personally Luke Donald and Edoardo Molinari.( FYI my family being involve with the Omega European Masters who Luke wins in 2004 and Edoardo has a Holiday home in Crans Montana Switzerland.) I have had some communication with to bring into the "Edge suggestions" the knowledge of the 4shots Rule (Baradie-Barras) and more statistics we at “CaddiePlayer” believe are crucial. After sending them to Team Europe's captain Luke Donald here they are now to you:

Benchmark Team Europe versus Team USA

  1. Combining all the players last 20 scores, Europe has a lower scoring average as well 3 players (Rory & Viktor & Aberg) with a scoring average below 68.
  2. Combining all Putts Gained Europe has the highest GAINED (+0,53 better than USA*)
  3. Combining all the scores Europe Players are more likely to shoot lower scores then their average Scores > (positive consistency Ratio is lower by 2,4% then Usa Players)
  4. Combine World ranking USA is ranked Stronger (13th versus EUROPE 30th) > Could BE “Mental” advantage
  5. Justine Rose has the highest scoring average of all players (70,25)
  6. *Brooks KOEPKA data 16 rounds from Majors only > PLAY LIV
  7. Both Team average age equal 30 years old

Ryder Cup Bentchmark 2023

In short basically, according to CaddiePlayer rules, Team Europe is technically/psychologically stronger as Team USA theoretically/egocentricly better…. So, the winner will be?

Until then…




150 years ago .... "Best Ever Overall Golfer" ? Lets celebrate White

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August 15th 1873 was born in Pefferside:

  • The First Professional Caddie
  • The First Professional Player
  • The PGA founder
  • The First Putting Author
  • The Grand Slam Club Maker
  • The record breaker Open Champion
  • The Sunningdale Club Teacher... and much more

Yet probably the most important to us > The First CaddiePlayer & The Best Overall Golfer ever to Live... JackWhite

Capture décran 1648

The Amundi Evian Championship > RoseT9 "Très bien" and @Chendo23 "Très bien" aussi ...

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#CaddiePlayer's founder was a guest of EVIAN Water, Stephane Barras was there to say "Très bien" une fois... deux fois...

... et trois fois > Vive la Française Celine Boutier qui remporte son premier majeur devant son publique. "Très bien" (1)

Quote from The Amundi Evian Champion Celine Boutier

"It's just unbelievable that I get to have my first major win at home, I mean, in France. I could not have scripted it better. I feel like it's just so perfect that it's hard to believe that it's true." 

Full LPGA & LET stories: 

I have been coming to Evian since ages... I have been there so many times with so many stories that I could write a book about it (Caddie/Coach/Teacher/Reporter/Agent) > just tap "Evian" on our CaddiePlayer search blog and you will find 9 related stories.

My 2023 EVIAN edition was again stories telling, having breakfast at the Royal Resort and lunch with Danone executive was something to remember.  However my week highlight was to give a PuttZones instruction to Rose Zhang Father Hai Bin and followed Rose to collect data to benchmark her pairing round 1 and 2 with Korda/MinJee and as you can see below Korda was struggling on the greens as after two rounds she only hold 18% from medium distances!

Benchmark 2023 Evian


At last I was honored to meet face to face Cailyn Henderson and her Mother both guest of the Golf Channel. Giving some swing thoughts/concept to a golf athlete & Indiana State Amateur Champion Cailyn Henderson alias Insta @chendo23 (120k+ Followers) is some kind of an experiences, Cailyn has huge potential and with it a BIG SMILE... Now a Professional golfer, Cailyn hope one day play the Evian. > Très Bien! (2)

To summarize my Evian week I can only quote: "It started "très mal*" and ended "Très Bien"... (3)

#IamCaddiePlayer Founder Stephane 1,2,3 Très bien! 

*"trés mal" because, despite holding a press badge, I was denied media access. 


With Stephane, Cailyn alias @chendo23 practicing on swing thoughts at Evian Resort


Rose Zhang current data provided by KPMG > https://www.kpmgperformanceinsights.com/season/2023/player/99390/stats

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